Did you know?

  • 10% children don’t attend school

  • 7% live below the poverty line

  • 2500 child abuse cases reported yearly on average

How can I partner ?

You can make it happen by sponsoring a child

WHat will it provide ??

* Food, clothing, education and school supplies, medical treatment

*The loving care of house parents

*A child will have the  opportunity
to have a ongoing relationship with the Christ

*Experience the joy and fulfillment that comes by rescuing a child forever

Contact Person

Mrs. Chulanganie Ferreira 


Shepherd ‘s heart Children’s Home

Phone : 0112863456/077739672


Bank Information

A/C – Save Lanka Communities    

Commercial Bank

Branch – Rajagiriya

A/C No. 1620043573


Bank Code – 7056

Branch Code – 062