Our Story

         Shepherds Heart Children’s Home was founded by   Rev. Dr. Woodrow and Melanie Blok on the 9th of February 2002 in response to the heart rendering cries of the vulnerable children in Sri Lanka. We strive to offer a stable life in a safe environment for hurting children.

Dr. Woodrow Blok & Melanie Blok

our vision

To bring joy and hope equipping abandoned girls so they will have a bright future.

Our mission

 Is to give a stable family life style and safe environment for these hurting girls and equipping them in their education and

practical skills to be future leaders in Sri Lanka.

What We offer

  • Each child at our home is nurtured, cared for and loved so that they may grow to be fine leaders in the future.
  • We maintain a family atmosphere and relationship around our home.
  • Hygienic and well maintained environment for the children.
  • All our children have been placed in reputed schools in the Colombo area.
  • We encourage them in sports and extra curricular activities.
  • We provide trainings and workshops to enhance leadership and equip them to pursue their dreams.
  • We also create a healthy environment for the children to identify their skills and abilities so they could work towards growing them.
  • We offer well trained counselors for the children on a regular basis.
  • We have well trained administrative staff and care givers.